I use one of these to control 4x120mm fans that I use to cool my 'server closet' where I keep my modem, router and switches for my whole house gigabit network. I also put the PC that functions as our IP camera (security system) server in this closet. I either had to decide to keep the closet door open or provide some sort of thermostatically controlled cooling system because the temps would routinely top 95F with all of the electronics running. Machine temps are affected by the ambient temps and my PC was running hot, not to mention the closet. So I bought this controller, 4 fans and the matching power supply and now the ambient temps hover around 84F with the closet door closed. The unit works great and is easy to program, with the last unit performing for around 6 years before it died. Shipping was reasonable and very fast. If the CoolerGuys don't have what you need, you probably don't really need it.